Ever since Android operating system entered in the market it completely changed the view of people the way they used to see mobile phones. Before Android and other specific operating systems the Mobiles offered a very limited set of feature but as the Android operating system came in practice the definition of using phones completely got changed.
So the first Android system was android 1.0 which was commercially launched in the year 2008 which allowed all the Google products all in a nutshell and apart from Google products this version offered a lot of more things like android market from a where a user was allowed to download an application, and books as per his preference.

Now, in the year 2018, the latest and the most advanced Android operating system is Android Oreo 8.0 which was launched last year in August. Android Oreo which is lightning fast in performance and offers multitasking, autofill, notification dots for quick access, upgraded emoticons for expressing things and lot more appealing feature. So Android 8.0-oreo is the current best I must say.
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Well, you can’t actually decide in opting over the best Android operating system as each and every year there are new versions are launched with mind blogging features so it is really tough to judge or state that this particular version is best.