can religion exist without god and god exist without religion?
religion exist without god and god exist without religion!
Well, if you are really going to consider my answer then… I believe that people were ever not of God… They were just involved in all the rites and rituals and were just having the essence of God beside them…
Well, I need to ask you all, a question…
Do, you really think that you can make, God happy ever by performing all these rights and rituals…?
And, before this, Who is God?
Now, I just want to show you another perspective on these things…
It is definitely good, one of an amazing method to please God… But… If we are actually valuing to all the instruction that is been given to us… As we are very much involved in grasping the knowledge from Vedas, Puranas, Upanishad and other mythological books that have been existing till date…
So far, I have read in Gita,
“The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone’s heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy.” (Quoted by Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita, 18.61)
As you have read the verse mentioned above that, God resides within us… But still, we find him in the material world…
My point in mentioning this is to interpret the question you have asked… People are so much addicted to these rites and rituals that they have forgotten the value of their inner God who resides within them… Thus, running after them outside without knowing the importance of self-cleaning… and God's presence within them….
Now… The entire religion is what they see outside… without realizing, what and why do they are performing these rituals…
Do you have an answer… regarding why you are doing so…?
Majority of the people would only answer that, “Their elders have guided them to do so…!” But did you ever questioned them why, am I supposed to do so…?
Hence, I feel that people just have made Idols of God to make themselves happy about the fact that they are near to him… rather they are going farther and farther to him… until the time they are not listening to their heart…
And, yes religion can definitely exist without God… This statement, I made that’s because people still are not knowing about, Who the real God is?
As you might have gone with my above article of “Who is God?” And if not, do read it…
Then your perception regarding God and everything else existing in this world would change which might help you to know your inner self and can learn more about what is the real goal of our life…
Now, going back to the same point “religion can definitely exist without God”, as people are not aware of the things, so it is very easy for them to believe on what is been told to them… As they are just like an empty vessel… and thus can be filled with anything poured on them…
But…. You have the option of becoming a vessel with filter… You should always experiment with whatever knowledge is been exchanged with you… Is it genuine or not?… and if it is then shall that information is useful for you or not…
Then you can be, in a better state of knowing the difference and you would have never asked an answer to this question…
Coming on to the second part of your question… Can God exist without religion… Then the answer is… Yes! He definitely exists without religion… as
“The end of religion is the beginning of spirituality, the end of spirituality is the beginning of reality, and the end of reality is real Bliss. When that too is gone, we have reached the destination.” – By Shri Ramchandra, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
Hope, you might have gained some part of the knowledge of “How much it is important for us to be practical in life and about our understandings….!"
May this help to know what you are looking forward to…
*and into the forest, I go to lose my mind and find my soul*