It is exactly like a feeling of Crush and Love! Having a very fine line to differentiate but that fine line gives the entirely new perspective on the emotion for one.

Knowing spiritually about it, and learning in depth… would make you amazed…
Let me explain this as an example…A very subtle one
Think of a scenario where you might get to hide an important talk with your mother, like you lost one of hers very precious belonging, before talking about this with your mother. You might be going with a fight of between your brain and your heart…

Conversation with you is as follows:
Brain: “Say lie to her!”
Heart: “NO!”
Brain: “She will feel bad if you tell truth!”
Brain: “Don’t worry, say a lie to her, she would not get to know, you will be fine enough not getting into this matter!”
After this conversation what did you thought would a good decision for you?

And your Brain won….
In manipulating your decision for wrong…
In this conversation, you might have noticed one thing that, heart says only once and that is a blunt “NO!” in a very slow voice and it is up to you that you choose to listen to it or no…
That is because heart never supports unnatural facts!!
Well, you might be thing what is this… An utter nonsense… How is this even possible?
The answer lies within you that you need to experiment all the time when you are taking any decision against Nature!
Like heart never says No! To breathing…
It never says No! To take food…
Never says No! To drink water…
That’s because these are the natural process and is right!
Experiment and realize!
If you keep on listening to your heart the time you might realize that nature keeps on supporting you all the time in whatever you do because that decision is been taken by your Heart!
If you want to know, how to listen to your heart than follow the link below:
And then the result would be…

A balance in your life…
Listen To What Experts have to Say:
Well, this completes wisdom for you!

Listen to Your Heart!