Advance version of network cable with butter like smoothness in transferal of data is fibre optic cable. If you're new to this term, then must read till the end.
As we are moving from copper wire networks to fibre optics in the telecommunication world, you must know it's specifications and importance in detail.
Optical fibre is nothing but a very thin strand of pure glass which acts a waveguide for light over long distances. Total internal reflection formula is applied in its working.
It constitutes two layers of class that is, the core: carries the actual light signal whereas, the cladding is layer of class surrounding the core.
The cladding is composed of a lower refractive index than the core, which causes total internal reflection within the core.
You can also operate fibres in duplex pairs: one of which is used as transmitter and the other is used as receiver.
It is more or less like an electrical cable which have simple wires, instead it envelopes beams of refractive light.
What makes you go with fibre optics?
- They are good source of unlimited information
- They have high portage capacity (very broad bandwidth, THz or Tbits/s)
- They are reliable with least transmission losses
- (<0.2dB/km, cf1dB/km microwave, 10db/km twisted copper pair)
- They are heat resistant
- They provide protection against cross-talk and electromagnetic interference
Its uses are diversified like we can use it in almost every sector; telecommunications, medical, networking, Industrial/labour, Defence/Government, Data storage and Industrial/commerce.
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