This been one of the very good questions, I have ever come across…
Well, before starting off with this discussion… Let me ask you a question…
What is God according to you?
Hope, I will get the answer to this question by the end of this “answer”…

Well, I appreciate the question of not believing in God or its existence… Because to prove a particular fact it is necessary to first not believe it… Just like a mathematical equation… ;)
Okay…! You might be thinking for proving a fact you need some statement to contradict with…
Here you go with the statement!
“God is within us!”

Now… Follow this question and keep answering these question after introspecting within….
Did you ever felt different within, while committing something wrong ‘According to you’?
Did you ever felt any murmuring within you that utters only once and a single word “NO!”?
Did you ever experience any feeling of Love, Grief, Happiness, Calmness, and Serenity?
If, after an introspection, you found all the answers equivalent to a “YES!” Then realize that if not God but there is some energy which keeps on guiding you within and who stays with you for your lifetime…
This energy keeps you guiding always to the right path… But you might be thinking…
From where this voice comes from… Then the answer to it is…
It is your Heart!

For understanding whether it is your Heart only and not brain follow this link for the Clarity of Thoughts:
Well, continuing our discussion…
So, basically, it is been proved scientifically what I was trying to make you understand!
And also making you realize your statement “Is there any harm in not believing in God's existence”
This might have given you an entirely different perspective of “What God is”…
And whether you should believe in him or not…
If you are inspired to know more about “What God is”… Follow the given link below for a detailed answer…
Hope, you have got a good conclusion to your question…

Enjoy Reading!
Cheers to Life!