which are the best magazines to read on ?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 1387 times

1 Answer


Well, a treat to all the writers that here, I am bringing it on!!! 

which are the best magazines to read on ?

In one of the writings of Stephen King’s, he wrote, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” Well, I totally agree upon the fact that he has mentioned so subtly…

As, being a writer myself, I can completely relate to the depth of each word that is mentioned over here…The written work basically deals with itself, thinking about its requirement of paying the bills. Be that as it may, it's discovering time to peruse a ton that demonstrates more difficult sometimes.

which are the best magazines to read on ?

There is no matter of fact, that there are distinguishable readings… According to me, reading is always been a great help to me. But hang on! Is that something a treat for your interest or profession than few of the mediums is more useful than others. Then, you should definitely hit reading the book by Stephen King… ‘On Writing’, which an aspirant writer should definitely look forward to once in his lifetime… Don’t get disheartened who are involved in work like free-lancing, branded content or editorial projects for that the magazine may be something better. With the only minute phrase, a writer can get inspired and can be built his own road of creativity with a remarkable tip for growing your business. 

Going ahead with the selective 5 magazines that will cover the entire gamut of Indian Publications for mainstreaming issues that you can recollect in the newsstand. 

1. Mental Floss:

which are the best magazines to read on ?

Starting off with their popular YouTube Channel and of course their website which is been covered with all the unconventional trivia and information. They have a series of quirky Magazine which will gonna equip you with hell lot of ideas, material, and the bundle of facts that will roll you with more smartness.

2. Make:

which are the best magazines to read on ?

You won't be constructing your own particular automaton at any point in the near future, but rather if your well of motivation has been becoming scarce recently, get an issue of Make: and focus on the outline driven core interest. Instructions to articles are constantly well known, and as you are thinking about your own particular aptitudes that could apply to potential pieces.

3. Lucky Peach:

which are the best magazines to read on ?

This publication is completely dedicated to food-lovers… Well, then that’s for me also… which is been comprised of inspiring articles in a long-form style. The editors of the magazine were able to manage the spectacular page-turning essays that may consist of titles which include The Honey Hunter and The Life of an Indian Cucumber

4. Fast Company:

which are the best magazines to read on ?

Continuously on the beat of what's next for the cutting edge workforce, Fast Co. often distributes articles about outsourcing, efficiency, and the science behind innovativeness.

Well, last but not the least… here you go welcoming… 

5. Oxford American:

which are the best magazines to read on ?

A phenomenal art comprising of the personalized essays, well, holding on to this publications it would hang you with certain topics that can give birth to the connectivity to the South that can push your inspiration to the first-writing person which includes essays titled as, “How I Became a Famous Writer” and “Walking the Tornado Line.

Well, here the trail ends for the writers... Get Going!


answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User

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