Mental health student is a crucial component of ensuring a future direction of education systems. Since schools are now considering the subject of students’ mental health to be significant and relevant, it becomes evident that mental health is no longer a personal problem but a structural one. The following are negative mental health consequences that are associated with the learning experience of learners and determinants of the future learning experience.
Over the recent past, people have widely recognized that there is a link between mental health and academic achievement. This work reveals that students with mental health issues have some problems related to concentration, problem solving and regulating themselves. This brings reduced performance levels and potentially can lead to dropout from school hence its educational nature.
Also, students’ mental issues are part of social relations in schools as well. It is widely acknowledged that such students have healthier relationships with the fellow students leading to better interaction in their peer groups. However, mental health issues are known to cause social exclusion, aggression or negative behavior and these are issues that affect a student as well as the education of other learners in a classroom.
Indeed, as society increasingly starts embracing the idea of mental disorder as a key problem, education of the following years will definitely pay much attention to the issue by trying to include mental health as one of the core values of the educational process. Schools establishments have also enhanced counselling services, allowing students to speak out, and preparing staff to identify potential suicidal patients. This approach in a way is proactive enough to provide better support to students who experience mental health issues when in school; it in turn leads to improved health literacy in learning.
Lastly, The question about the further development of education systems refers to the topic of students’ welfare. Implementing such a culture, educational facilities can make sure that students of the institution are ready and able to successfully cope with academic work as well as the struggles of life. Education is therefore not limited to meeting the students’ needs, but also their mental health to influence the shape the next generation.
All in all, student mental health cannot be overemphasize its importance in construing the future education learning systems. How it is clearly seen is the fact thou when schools and colleges pay attention to students’ mental health not only does it bring about an improvement in students’ academic performance but also creates healthier social climates in learning institutions. With mental health being more inclusive in modern learning institutions, schools have to adopt to this new model by providing competent support structures for academic and emotional development. It is imperative that students are mentally fit to prepare them for the education system that we would like to foster in the future more so to become responsible, strong and well-rounded members of the society.