When did the dinosaurs exist?

Asked 1 year ago
Updated 9 months ago
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Dinosaurs showed up during the Mesozoic time, a period that went on around 180 million years, well before around quite a while back. The Mesozoic is partitioned into three periods: Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.

Did the Dinosaurs Live at the Same Time? |<img data-img-src='https://images.ctfassets.net/cnu0m8re1exe/BWLxxWzjUkHlfIZ3HETej/50e726320f5b69e77f244100a3180f27/shutterstock_1094368226.jpg' alt='When did the dinosaurs exist' /><p><strong>Triassic Period (c. 250 to the earliest):</strong> Dinosaurs were recently tracked down in the Late Triassic Period. The earliest dinosaurs were somewhat little, alongside archosaurs and an assortment of reptiles, including crocodiles. Toward the finish of the Triassic time limit, there was an opportunity for a monstrous eradication that could transform dinosaurs into ranches of normal animals.</p><p><strong>Jurassic Period (around 201 to a long time back): </strong>The Jurassic time frame additionally saw the ascent of the primary birds, which advanced from theropod dinosaurs.</p><p><strong>Cretaceous Period (around 145 to a long time ago): </strong>Blooming plants (angiosperms) additionally showed up and differentiated during this time, altogether evolving biological systems. The Cretaceous time frame finished with a mass elimination occasion, which was logically brought about by a mix of volcanic movement and a space rock influence. This occasion prompted the elimination of all non-avian dinosaurs and numerous different species.</p><p>Dinosaurs flourished for more than 160 million years, adjusting to different conditions and developing into assorted structures. Their termination denoted the conclusion of the <a href=

Triassic Period (c. 250 to the earliest): Dinosaurs were recently tracked down in the Late Triassic Period. The earliest dinosaurs were somewhat little, alongside archosaurs and an assortment of reptiles, including crocodiles. Toward the finish of the Triassic time limit, there was an opportunity for a monstrous eradication that could transform dinosaurs into ranches of normal animals.

Jurassic Period (around 201 to a long time back): The Jurassic time frame additionally saw the ascent of the primary birds, which advanced from theropod dinosaurs.

Cretaceous Period (around 145 to a long time ago): Blooming plants (angiosperms) additionally showed up and differentiated during this time, altogether evolving biological systems. The Cretaceous time frame finished with a mass elimination occasion, which was logically brought about by a mix of volcanic movement and a space rock influence. This occasion prompted the elimination of all non-avian dinosaurs and numerous different species.

Dinosaurs flourished for more than 160 million years, adjusting to different conditions and developing into assorted structures. Their termination denoted the conclusion of the Mesozoic Age and prepared for the ascent of vertebrates and, in the long run, people in the ensuing Cenozoic Period. Regardless of their elimination, dinosaurs' inheritance goes on through their relatives, birds.


Read more: Who discovered the first dinosaur skeleton

answered 9 months ago by Baishakhi Ghosh

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