There are 28.3495231 grams in one ounce. This is the most commonly used conversion factor between ounces and grams. It is important to note that this is just an approximation, and the actual number of grams in an ounce may vary slightly depending on the density of the material being measured.

The ounce is a unit of mass that is used in the imperial and customary measurement systems. It is equal to 1/16 of a pound, or 28.3495231 grams. The gram is a unit of mass that is used in the metric system. It is equal to 1/1000 of a kilogram, or 0.000035274 ounces.
The conversion factor between ounces and grams was first established in the 18th century by the French Academy of Sciences. It is based on the density of water, which is 1 gram per cubic centimeter. This means that one ounce of water is equal to 28.3495231 grams.
The conversion factor between ounces and grams is often used in recipes and other cooking measurements. It is also used in the medical field to measure doses of medication.
Here are some additional details about the conversion between ounces and grams:
- The conversion factor is accurate to within 0.00001 grams.
- The conversion factor is based on the density of water, which is 1 gram per cubic centimeter.
- The conversion factor is used in recipes, cooking measurements, and the medical field.