The largest non-Arab country in the Middle East is Turkey. It has a land area of 783,562 square kilometers, which is more than twice the size of the next largest non-Arab country in the region, Iran. Turkey is located in both Europe and Asia, with a small portion of its territory in the former. It is bordered by eight countries: Greece and Bulgaria to the west, Georgia and Armenia to the north, Iran and Iraq to the east, and Syria and the Mediterranean Sea to the south.
Turkey has a population of over 84 million people, making it the most populous non-Arab country in the Middle East. The majority of the population is Turkish, but there are also significant Kurdish, Armenian, and Arab minorities. The official language of Turkey is Turkish, but Kurdish and Arabic are also spoken by large numbers of people.

Turkey is a secular country, with a separation of religion and state. The majority of the population is Muslim, but there are also significant Christian and Jewish minorities. Turkey is a member of NATO and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
Turkey has a rich history and culture. It was once the heart of the Ottoman Empire, which was one of the largest and most powerful empires in history. Today, Turkey is a modern country with a growing economy. It is a popular tourist destination, known for its beaches, historical sites, and cultural attractions.
Here are some of the reasons why Turkey is considered a non-Arab country:
- The majority of the population is Turkish, which is a Turkic language that is not related to Arabic.
- The official language of Turkey is Turkish, not Arabic.
- The majority of the population is Muslim, but there are also significant Christian and Jewish minorities.
- Turkey is a secular country, with a separation of religion and state.
- Turkey is a member of NATO and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, but not the Arab League.
In conclusion, Turkey is the largest non-Arab country in the Middle East. It is a country with a rich history and culture, and a growing economy. It is a popular tourist destination, and a member of several important international organizations.