Why the question of Akhand Bharat raised in Nepal?

Asked 1 year ago
Updated 1 year ago
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The question of Akhand Bharat, or a united India, has been raised in Nepal for a number of reasons.

  • Historical ties: Nepal and India have a long history of shared culture, religion, and trade. The two countries were once ruled by the same dynasty, and they share many common historical figures, such as the Buddha.
  • Geographic proximity: Nepal is located directly to the north of India, and the two countries share a long border. This proximity has led to a great deal of interaction between the two countries, both in terms of trade and culture.
  • Political tensions: In recent years, there have been a number of political tensions between Nepal and India. These tensions have been caused by a number of factors, including disagreements over trade, water rights, and the border between the two countries.

The question of Akhand Bharat has been used by some political leaders in Nepal to stir up nationalist sentiment. These leaders have argued that Nepal should be reunited with India in order to create a stronger and more united country. However, the idea of Akhand Bharat is not widely supported by the Nepalese people. Most Nepalese people see themselves as a distinct nation with its own unique culture and identity.

The question of Akhand Bharat is likely to continue to be a source of tension between Nepal and India. However, it is important to remember that the vast majority of people in both countries want to live in peace and harmony.

answered 1 year ago by Mark John

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