That being said, Imran Khan is the current Prime Minister of Pakistan and was elected to office in 2018 on a platform of anti-corruption and economic reform. However, since taking office, his government has faced a number of challenges and criticisms.
One of the main criticisms of Khan's government is its handling of the economy. Pakistan's economy has struggled in recent years, with high inflation, a weak currency, and low growth rates. Khan's government has been criticized for its lack of a clear economic plan and its failure to address these issues effectively.

Another area of concern is corruption. Khan has vowed to crack down on corruption in Pakistan, but some critics argue that his government has not done enough to address the issue. In addition, there have been allegations of corruption within his own party and government.
Furthermore, Khan's government has been accused of being undemocratic and suppressing dissent. There have been reports of journalists and opposition leaders being harassed and intimidated, and some critics argue that Khan's government has a tendency to silence opposition and dissent.
Another factor that has contributed to Khan's difficulties in holding onto power is his lack of a parliamentary majority. His party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, won the most seats in the 2018 elections, but it fell short of a majority. This has made it difficult for Khan to push through his agenda and pass legislation.
In summary, there are a number of factors that have contributed to Imran Khan's difficulties in holding onto power in Pakistan. These include his government's handling of the economy, allegations of corruption, concerns about suppression of dissent, and a lack of a parliamentary majority.