Answers in Quora are not always relevant to the questions asked for a variety of reasons.
One of the primary reasons why answers may not be relevant is due to the fact that the question asker may not have provided enough information in the question. When a person formulates a question, they should ensure that they provide enough information for the person who is answering the question to provide a relevant answer. If a person does not provide enough information in their question, then the answer will not be as relevant as it could be.
Another reason why answers may not be relevant is due to the fact that the person answering the question may not have a good understanding of the topic that the question is about. It is important to ensure that the person answering the question has a good understanding of the subject matter so that they can provide a relevant answer. If the person answering the question does not have a good understanding of the topic, then the answer may not be as relevant as it could be.
In some cases, the answer may not be relevant due to the fact that the person answering the question may not have taken the time to read the question properly. It is important to take the time to read the question thoroughly so that the person answering the question can provide an accurate and relevant answer. If the person answering the question does not take the time to read it, the answer may not be as relevant as it could be.

Another reason why answers may not be relevant is due to the fact that the person answering the question may not have done sufficient research on the topic. It is important to ensure that the person answering the question has done adequate research on the topic so that they can provide a relevant answer. If the person answering the question does not do adequate research, then the answer may not be as relevant as it could be.
Finally, the answer may not be relevant because the person answering the question may not be familiar with the language that the question is written in. It is important to ensure that the person answering the question is familiar with the language in which the question is written so that they can provide a relevant answer. If the person answering the question does not understand the language well, then the answer may not be as relevant as it could be.
Overall, there are a variety of reasons why answers in Quora may not be relevant to the questions asked. It is important to ensure that the question asker provides enough information in the question and that the person answering the question has a good understanding of the topic, has taken the time to read the question thoroughly, has done adequate research on the topic, and is familiar with the language that the question is written in. If these conditions are met, the answer will be more likely to be relevant to the question.