There is currently no credible evidence that definitively proves the existence of extraterrestrial life, much less any evidence that they have visited Earth. However, the possibility of alien life and the existence of UFO sightings have been a subject of debate and speculation for decades.

The most famous incident of alleged alien visitation occurred in 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico. The US Army reported that a "flying disc" had crashed, but later revised the statement to say that it was a weather balloon. Despite the official explanation, many people believe that the incident was actually an extraterrestrial visitation, and numerous conspiracy theories have emerged in the years since.
Other reported sightings of UFOs and encounters with extraterrestrial beings have been reported throughout history. Some individuals claim to have been abducted by aliens and subjected to experiments and examinations. However, these accounts are generally not supported by concrete evidence, and can often be explained by more mundane factors such as sleep paralysis or hallucinations.
In recent years, there have been several high-profile investigations into the possibility of alien life. In 2017, astronomers detected a strange interstellar object named Oumuamua passing through our solar system. While some scientists speculated that it could be an alien spacecraft, others argued that it was most likely a natural object like a comet or asteroid.
Additionally, in April 2020, the US Department of Defense declassified three videos showing unidentified flying objects captured by Navy pilots. While the objects in the videos are certainly strange and unexplained, they do not provide any conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life or visitation.
In summary, while there are certainly many reports of UFO sightings and encounters with extraterrestrial beings, there is no concrete evidence to definitively prove the existence of aliens or their visits to Earth. While it's certainly possible that we may one day discover conclusive proof of alien life, until then we must rely on scientific inquiry and skepticism to evaluate claims of extraterrestrial visitation.