What step should Indian Government take to control Population Growth?

Asked 21-Apr-2023
Updated 24-Apr-2023
Viewed 353 times

2 Answers


India is currently the second-most populous country in the world, and the rapid growth of its population is a major concern for the government. The Indian government has taken several steps to control population growth over the years, but there is still a long way to go. Here are some steps that the government could take to address this issue:What step should Indian Government take to control Population Growth

  1. Encouraging family planning: One of the most effective ways to control population growth is to encourage family planning. The government could launch campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of family planning and provide access to affordable and effective contraceptive methods.
  2. Providing education: Education can be a powerful tool in reducing population growth. Educated women tend to have fewer children and are better equipped to make informed decisions about family planning. The government could invest in education programs, particularly for girls, to help reduce the fertility rate.
  3. Empowering women: Women's empowerment is key to controlling population growth. When women have access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, they are more likely to delay marriage and childbearing, which can help to reduce the fertility rate. The government could launch programs to empower women and girls, such as providing vocational training and job opportunities.
  4. Increasing access to healthcare: Improving access to healthcare can also help to control population growth. When people have access to quality healthcare, they are more likely to have healthy pregnancies and fewer children. The government could invest in healthcare infrastructure and provide access to affordable healthcare services.
  5. Addressing social norms: Social norms and cultural beliefs can play a significant role in population growth. In some parts of India, large families are seen as a status symbol, and there is a cultural preference for male children. The government could work to address these social norms and promote the value of smaller families and gender equality.
  6. Implementing policies and incentives: The government could also implement policies and incentives to encourage smaller families. For example, it could provide financial incentives to families that choose to have fewer children or implement policies that require couples to undergo family planning counseling before getting married.

In conclusion, controlling population growth is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. The Indian government could take several steps to address this issue, including encouraging family planning, providing education, empowering women, increasing access to healthcare, addressing social norms, and implementing policies and incentives. By taking these steps, the government can help to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for India.


The population growth in India is a major concern as it has surpassed China as the most populous nation in the world. The current population of India is estimated to be 1.386billion and is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2030. This rapid growth has put a strain on the existing resources and has increased pressure on the government to take appropriate steps to control population growth.

What step should Indian Government take to control Population Growth

The Indian government should take the following steps to control population growth:

1. Education and Awareness: Education is the most important tool for population control. It is essential to create awareness about the ill effects of population growth. The government should invest in educating the masses about population control and its benefits. Several initiatives, such as ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ and ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ have been launched by the government to spread awareness and education among the citizens.

2. Family Planning and Contraception: Family planning is an important tool to control population growth. The government should provide citizens with free contraceptives and other family planning services. It is also essential to encourage modern contraceptives and provide sex education in schools.

3. Women Empowerment: Women empowerment is essential to control population growth. The government should provide equal rights and opportunities to women and ensure their participation in decision-making. This will encourage women to have fewer children, which will help curb population growth.

4. Job Creation: Job creation is essential to control population growth. The government should create more employment opportunities to encourage people to take up jobs instead of having more children. This will also help reduce poverty and ensure economic growth.

5. Tax Incentives: Tax incentives are one of the most effective tools to control population growth. The government should provide tax benefits to couples who have fewer children. This will encourage couples to limit the size of their families, which will help curb population growth.

6. Improved Health Facilities: Improved health facilities are essential to control population growth. The government should invest in providing better healthcare facilities to its citizens. This will help reduce infant mortality and also help in curbing population growth.

7. Improved Sanitation Facilities: Improved sanitation facilities are necessary to control population growth. The government should invest in providing better sanitation facilities to its citizens. This will help in reducing disease and also help in curbing population growth.

8. Improved Infrastructure: Improved infrastructure is essential to control population growth. The government should improve roads, highways, railway systems, airports, etc. This will help create more employment opportunities and help curb population growth.

9. Migration Policies: Migration policies are essential to control population growth. The government should implement policies to discourage people from migrating to urban areas. This will help reduce the pressure on existing resources and help curb population growth.

10. Restrictions on Marriage: Restrictions on marriage are essential to control population growth. The government should implement laws and regulations to discourage people from marrying at a young age. This will help reduce the number of children born and help curb population growth.

The government should take the above steps to control population growth in India. The government needs to invest in these initiatives and ensure that the citizens are aware about the ill-effects of population growth. Only then can the government ensure the sustainable development of the nation.