How do international organizations like the United Nations affect politics?

Asked 19-Apr-2023
Updated 24-Apr-2023
Viewed 340 times

1 Answer


How do international organizations like the United Nations affect politicsInternational organizations like the United Nations (UN) play a significant role in shaping global politics. The UN was established in 1945 after World War II, with the primary aim of promoting peace and security, and providing a platform for member states to cooperate and work together on global issues. Since then, the UN has evolved to become a powerful organization with significant influence over global politics. In this essay, we will explore how international organizations like the UN affect politics.

Firstly, international organizations like the UN provide a platform for member states to come together and cooperate on global issues. This collaboration leads to the formation of policies and agreements that are binding on member states. For instance, the UN has been instrumental in promoting the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are aimed at reducing poverty, protecting the environment, and promoting sustainable development. Through the UN, member states work together to set targets, monitor progress, and ensure that the SDGs are achieved by 2030. This is just one example of how international organizations like the UN affect politics by promoting cooperation and collaboration among member states.

Secondly, international organizations like the UN provide a forum for member states to raise their concerns and have their voices heard on the global stage. The UN General Assembly, for example, provides a platform for member states to discuss and debate global issues, and to advocate for their interests. This has helped to give voice to smaller and weaker states that might otherwise have been marginalized in global politics. Through the UN, member states have been able to push for the adoption of policies that are more favorable to their interests, and to address issues such as human rights abuses and environmental degradation.

Thirdly, international organizations like the UN play a critical role in maintaining peace and security around the world. The UN Security Council, for example, has the power to authorize the use of force to maintain international peace and security. This has been instrumental in preventing conflicts and resolving disputes between member states. Additionally, international organizations like the UN often play a role in mediating conflicts and facilitating negotiations between warring parties. This can lead to the resolution of conflicts and the promotion of peace, which in turn can have a significant impact on global politics.

In conclusion, international organizations like the United Nations play a significant role in shaping global politics. They provide a platform for member states to cooperate and work together on global issues, they provide a forum for member states to raise their concerns and have their voices heard, and they play a critical role in maintaining peace and security around the world. These are just a few examples of how international organizations like the UN affect politics, and it is clear that their influence is significant and far-reaching.