Hacker and cracker are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. A hacker is someone who uses their technical knowledge to explore and improve systems, while a cracker is someone who uses their technical knowledge to gain unauthorized access to systems with malicious intent.
A hacker is a person who has a deep understanding of computer systems and networks, and who uses this knowledge to find vulnerabilities and weaknesses in software, hardware, and networks. They use their skills to test and improve systems and develop new tools and techniques to solve problems. A hacker may be motivated by curiosity, a desire to learn, or a desire to improve technology. Hackers may work in IT security, software development, or other technology fields.

Hackers can be classified into two categories: white hat hackers and black hat hackers. White hat hackers are ethical hackers who use their skills to improve systems and protect them from security threats. They may work for companies, governments, or organizations to test and improve their systems' security. On the other hand, black hat hackers are malicious hackers who use their skills to gain unauthorized access to systems and steal sensitive data. They may be motivated by financial gain, personal satisfaction, or other reasons.
A cracker, on the other hand, is someone who uses their technical knowledge to gain unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, or software. They use their skills to exploit vulnerabilities in systems to steal data, install malware, or cause damage to the system. Crackers may be motivated by financial gain, revenge, or other reasons.
Crackers are commonly known as "black hat" hackers, but this is not entirely accurate. A cracker is someone who uses their skills to break into systems, whereas a black hat hacker may use their skills to improve security or conduct research on vulnerabilities.
In conclusion, the main difference between a hacker and a cracker is their motivation and the intent behind their actions. While a hacker uses their skills for constructive purposes, such as improving systems, a cracker uses their skills for destructive purposes, such as stealing data or causing damage to systems. While both hackers and crackers have deep technical knowledge, their ethical principles and motivations distinguish them from each other.