Why Subhash Chandra Bosh was against the ideology of Gandhi in World War II?

Asked 2 years ago
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Why Subhash Chandra Bosh was against the ideology of Gandhi in World War II? 

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Subhash Chandra Bose was a prominent Indian nationalist leader who played a key role in India's struggle for independence from British rule. During World War II, Bose disagreed with Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent approach to achieving independence and instead sought to collaborate with the Axis powers to drive the British out of India.

Bose believed that the British could only be defeated through military means and saw India's participation in the war effort as a means to gain access to military technology and expertise. He also believed that India could benefit from collaborating with the Axis powers, particularly Japan, which he saw as a potential ally in the struggle against British imperialism.

Bose's disagreements with Gandhi were rooted in his belief that nonviolent resistance was not sufficient to achieve India's independence. He believed that India needed to take a more aggressive approach and actively fight against British colonial rule. Bose argued that nonviolent resistance had not worked in the past and that a more forceful approach was needed to achieve independence.

Bose's approach to achieving independence was controversial and drew criticism from many Indian nationalist leaders, including Gandhi. Gandhi saw Bose's collaboration with the Axis powers as a betrayal of India's commitment to nonviolence and criticized him for seeking to achieve independence through violent means.

Despite their disagreements, Bose and Gandhi both shared a deep commitment to Indian independence and worked tirelessly to achieve this goal. While Bose ultimately broke with Gandhi and pursued a different path to achieving independence, his contributions to India's struggle for freedom are widely recognized and celebrated.

In conclusion, Subhash Chandra Bose's disagreements with Gandhi during World War II were rooted in his belief that nonviolent resistance was not sufficient to achieve India's independence. Bose believed that India needed to take a more aggressive approach and actively fight against British colonial rule. While Bose's approach was controversial and drew criticism from many Indian nationalist leaders, his contributions to India's struggle for freedom continue to be celebrated to this day.

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answered 2 years ago by Jujhar Singh

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