China's relationship with Pakistan and Russia is complex and multifaceted. While China has strong economic and military ties with Pakistan, it also has deep strategic and geopolitical interests in maintaining close ties with Russia. In this answer, I will discuss the factors that influence China's relationship with both Pakistan and Russia and explain why China may appear to be more inclined towards Russian interests at times.

China and Pakistan have a long-standing relationship that dates back to the 1950s. Both countries have cooperated on a range of issues, including economic development, security, and defense. China has provided Pakistan with substantial economic and military assistance, and the two countries have also worked together on a number of joint projects, such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). CPEC is a massive infrastructure development project that includes the construction of highways, railways, and pipelines that will connect China's western Xinjiang province with the Pakistani port of Gwadar.
While China's relationship with Pakistan is strong, it is not without its challenges. Pakistan is a country that has long struggled with political instability and security issues, and it borders Afghanistan, which is another source of instability in the region. These factors have the potential to disrupt China's economic and strategic interests in Pakistan, particularly with regard to the CPEC project. In addition, Pakistan's close relationship with the United States has at times put China in a difficult position, as China seeks to maintain positive relationships with both countries.
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On the other hand, China's relationship with Russia is built on a shared sense of geopolitical interests and a common opposition to the United States. China and Russia have been working together to counterbalance the United States' global influence and have formed strategic partnerships in areas such as energy, defense, and international diplomacy. The two countries have a shared interest in limiting the United States' ability to shape global politics and have been working together to promote a multipolar world order.
China's close relationship with Russia also provides it with strategic leverage in its relationships with other countries, including Pakistan. China can use its relationship with Russia to balance its interests in South Asia and maintain a position of influence in the region. For example, China has used its relationship with Russia to build bridges with India, which is a key regional rival of Pakistan. By maintaining good relations with both India and Pakistan, China can help prevent a regional conflict from escalating and maintain its strategic interests in the region.
Moreover, Russia is also an important source of military technology for China. Russia has been a key supplier of advanced military hardware to China, including fighter jets and missile defense systems. China's military modernization efforts have relied heavily on Russian technology, and the two countries continue to work together on joint military projects. This military relationship between China and Russia also provides a strategic counterbalance to the United States and its allies in the region.
In conclusion, China's relationship with Pakistan and Russia is shaped by a complex mix of strategic, geopolitical, and economic interests. While China has strong ties with Pakistan, its relationship with Russia provides it with strategic leverage and a counterbalance to the United States' influence in the region. China's close relationship with Russia also provides it with access to advanced military technology, which is essential to its military modernization efforts. While China may appear to be more inclined towards Russian interests at times, its relationships with both Pakistan and Russia are critical to maintaining its position of influence in the region and achieving its long-term strategic goals.