Drirendra Shastri converted Muslims to Hindus is good or bad?

Asked 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
Viewed 254 times


Drirendra Shastri converted Muslims to Hindus is good or bad?

1 Answer


Actually, it is not within my capacity to judge or take a stance on religious conversion or any religious matter. However, I can provide some context and information to help you to form your own opinions.

The act of religious conversion is a sensitive issue, and it has been debated for centuries. While some argue that it is a fundamental right of an individual to choose their faith, others believe that it is an attempt to undermine or erase cultural traditions and practices. In India, the debate has been intensified in recent times, with allegations of forced conversions, especially in tribal areas, and various anti-conversion laws being enacted by different states.

Dhirendra Krishna Shastri, also known as Bageshwar Dham Sarkar, has been actively involved in what he calls 'ghar-wapsi' or reconversion of people to Sanatan Dharma. He has been a vocal critic of proselytizing forces and has urged Hindus to organize themselves to safeguard their faith. He has faced allegations of promoting superstition and practicing 'magic' during his religious gatherings, but those allegations were dismissed by the police.

Whether his actions of converting Muslims to Hindus are good or bad is a matter of personal opinion and depends on one's worldview and belief system. Some might see it as an act of preserving their cultural heritage, while others might view it as an attack on religious freedom.

It is worth noting that the Constitution of India guarantees freedom of religion as a fundamental right to all its citizens. Article 25 of the Constitution states that "all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right to freely profess, practice, and propagate religion subject to public order, morality, and health."

While the debate on religious conversion continues, it is crucial to respect each other's beliefs and values and strive towards peaceful coexistence. It is also essential to ensure that any conversion, whether voluntary or forced, is done within the ambit of the law and with full respect for the human rights of all individuals involved.


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answered 1 year ago by Jujhar Singh

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