Why do Indian books teach you to hate your heritage and glorify the invaders?

Asked 2 years ago
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Why do Indian books teach you to hate your heritage and glorify the invaders?

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Why do Indian books teach you to hate your heritage and glorify the invaders?

It is a question that has been bothering me for a long time. I have always wondered why our history books portray the British and other Mughal invaders as heroes, while our own Indian heritage is demonized.

The British came to India with the intention of looting our resources and exploiting our people. They did not come here to help us or to improve our lives in any way. In fact, they made our lives worse.

They imposed their own culture and values on us and forced us to adopt their way of life. They treated us like animals and denied us our basic human rights.

And yet, our history books portray them as heroes. They are shown as the saviors of India, who brought us modernity and progress.

Our own Indian heritage, on the other hand, is demonized. We are told that our culture is backward and primitive and that we should be ashamed of it.

We are taught to hate our own history and culture and to glorify the invaders. This is not right. We should not be taught to hate our own heritage. We should be proud of it. Our culture is rich and varied and has a lot to offer the world. We should not be ashamed of it or try to hide it. We should learn to love our own heritage and take pride in it.

It is no secret that the education system in India is flawed. The curriculum is often outdated and there is a lack of quality teaching. However, one of the most concerning aspects of the education system is the way in which it teaches children to hate their heritage and glorify the invaders.

The history books that are prescribed in the syllabus are often biased and paint a distorted picture of India's past. They portray the invaders as heroes and the Indian freedom fighters as villains. This is not only misleading but also dangerous as it instills a sense of inferiority and self-hatred in the minds of young children.

It is high time that the education system is reformed and the curriculum is updated. Children should be taught about their rich cultural heritage and the sacrifices made by their ancestors to protect it. They should be inspired to be proud of their roots and to work towards making India a strong and prosperous nation.

answered 2 years ago by Subhamay Ganai
  1. just because the History of India was written by any refugee who was born in Iran and was activist of the Islam. Yes I am talking about the first Education Minister of India. how any person can know the culture and history who was not even the follower of that country's motherland. He manipulated Indian Text and Glorious history in many ways. - Steilla Mitchel 2 years ago

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