What is the most invaded country in history?

Asked 20-Oct-2022
Viewed 4404 times

1 Answer


This is a question that has been debated by historians for many years. There are a number of factors that can be considered when determining which country is the most invaded in history. These include the number of times a country has been invaded, the number of different invaders, the duration of the invasions, and the impact of the invasions on the country. 

Some historians believe that the most invaded country in history is China. China has a long history of being invaded by a variety of different countries. The first recorded invasion of China was by the Mongols in 1215. Since then, China has been invaded by the Japanese, the Manchus, the British, and the Russians, among others. The Arabs continued to invade China for centuries, with the last major Arab invasion occurring in the thirteenth century. 

Why is China the most invaded country in history? 

What is the most invaded country in history?

There are a few reasons. 

  • First, China is a large country with a lot of resources. This makes it an attractive target for invaders. 
  • Second, China has a long history of conflict. This means that there are many opportunities for invaders to take advantage of. 
  • Lastly, China is located in a strategic location. This makes it a prime target for invasions.

Other historians believe that the most invaded country in history is India. India has also been invaded numerous times throughout its history. The first major invasion of India occurred in the fourth century BCE when the Persians invaded. The Persians continued to invade India for centuries, with the last major Persian invasion occurring in the early eighteenth century. In total, India is estimated to have been invaded by the Persians around three hundred times. 

Finally, another country that could be considered the most invaded in history is Russia. Russia has been invaded by a number of different countries over the years, including the Mongols, Napoleonic France, and Nazi Germany. As a result of these invasions, Russia has lost a significant amount of territory, and its population has been greatly reduced.