Why does the Quran urge Muslims to capture non-Muslim women?

Asked 20-Oct-2022
Viewed 600 times


Why does the Quran urge Muslims to capture non-Muslim women

1 Answer


There are many things that the Quran urges Muslims to do, but one of the most controversial is the capture of non-Muslim women. This has been a source of debate and controversy for many years, with some people arguing that it is a barbaric practice that should be stopped, and others claiming that it is a necessary part of Islamic law.

The Quran does not explicitly state that Muslims should capture non-Muslim women, but there are a number of verses that have been interpreted to mean that it is permissible. For example, in Surah 4:3, it says 'And if you fear that you will not be just, then marry only one or what your right hand possesses. That is more likely that you will not be unjust.'

This verse has been interpreted to mean that Muslim men are allowed to marry up to four wives, but if they fear that they will not be able to treat them all fairly, then they should marry only one wife or what their right hand possesses (i.e. captive women).

There are a number of other verses that have been interpreted to mean that it is permissible to capture women in war. For example, in Surah 8:67, it says 'It is not for a Prophet to have captives until he has made wide Slaughter in the land.'

This verse is often interpreted to mean that it is permissible to take women captive in war, as long as the Prophet has made enough 'slaughter' in the land (i.e. killed enough people).

There are also a number of hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) that discuss the permissibility of taking women captive. For example, in one hadith, the Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said 'I have been ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger, and establish prayer, and pay Zakat. If they do that, then their blood and their property are protected by Allah and His messenger, and they will have Paradise; but if they refuse, then I have been ordered to fight them until they are killed.'

In another hadith, the Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'

Some people argue that these hadith support the idea that it is permissible to kill apostates (those who leave Islam), but it is important to note that the Quran does not explicitly state that apostates should be killed.

There are a number of different interpretations of these verses and hadith, and there is much debate about what they actually mean. Some people argue that the Quran does not actually support the idea of capturing women, and that the verses and hadith that have been interpreted to mean that it is permissible are actually referring to something else entirely.

Others argue that the Quran does support the idea of capturing women, but that it should only be done in specific circumstances, such as in war.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual Muslim to decide what they believe about this issue.