It's been over two hundred years since the last time the British occupied North America. And yet, the question of why we're not talking about the liberation of occupied North America still plagues us today.
There are many theories as to why this is the case. Some say that it's because the British were never really able to establish a strong foothold in North America. Others claim that the British simply didn't want to occupy North America for very long.
Whatever the reason may be, the fact remains that we're not talking about the liberation of occupied North America. And that's a shame.
Because, when you think about it, the liberation of occupied North America would be an incredible thing. It would mean the end of British rule in North America. It would mean the beginning of a new era of freedom and democracy. It would also mean the end of the British Empire. And that, in itself, is a very good reason to start talking about the liberation of occupied North America.

The narrative of American history is one of Manifest Destiny, of westward expansion, of the inevitability of progress. It's a narrative that has been used to justify genocide, slavery, and the displacement of indigenous peoples. And it's a narrative that is being challenged by the liberation of North America. The liberation of North America is a story of people fighting back against oppression, of indigenous peoples reclaiming their land, of slaves refusing to be slaves any longer. It's a story of resistance and resilience, of hope and defiance. And it's a story that the mainstream media doesn't want you to hear. But we can't let them silence us. We have to keep telling our stories, because they are the stories of our liberation. And we will be free.
So, let's start the conversation. Why aren't we talking about the liberation of occupied North America?