How would I know if any of my computer files are corrupted?

Asked 2 years ago
Viewed 516 times


How would I know if any of my computer files are corrupted?

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A Corrupted file is not an impeccable file. A corrupted file may be a damaged data file. A file may be a document, a pdf, an image or it may be a program. 
There are a few signs of Corrupted files like they are unable to open everywhere, it's unreadable, and it appears scrambled. We can also recognize whether files are corrupted or not by checking their properties. The size of corrupted files is measly. 
Corrupted files are unable to open in that system but they can be opened on other devices like laptops, computers etc.  We have so many recovery programs like DMDE, Recuva, etc which can recover the corrupted file and programs. 
We can also recognise whether a file is corrupted or not if our system or program using it can no longer proceed with it.
Hence we should have a backup of our files to save them from losing the data.


answered 2 years ago by Vikash Sonker

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