Why did the Afghans lose war against the Sikhs?

Asked 15-Sep-2022
Viewed 410 times

1 Answer


The Afghan-Sikh Wars were a series of wars fought between the Afghan Durrani Empire and the Sikh Empire, which was centered in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent. The first war began in 1834, when the Sikh Empire annexed the Afghan province of Peshawar. The Afghans, led by Dost Mohammad Khan, recaptured Peshawar in 1837. The second war began in 1838, when the British East India Company annexed the Sikh Empire after the Battle of Jamrud. The Afghans, under the leadership of Sher Ali Khan, defeated the British in the Battle of Kandahar in 1880. The third war began in 1919, when the British again tried to occupy Afghanistan. This time, the Afghans, under the leadership of King Amanullah Khan, defeated the British and regained their independence.

The Afghans have always been a fierce and independent people. They have a long history of fighting against foreigninvaders, and they have never lost a war against an external enemy. 

So, why did they lose the war against the Sikhs?

There are a number of reasons why the Afghans lost the war against the Sikhs. 

First, the Sikhs were a much more powerful empire than the Afghans. The Sikhs had a strong military, and they were better equipped than the Afghans. 

Second, another important reason for the Afghan defeat was that the Sikh forces were able to take advantage of the fact that the Afghan forces were divided. The Afghan forces were divided into a number of small groups that were spread out over a wide area. This made it difficult for the Afghans to coordinate their efforts and mount a successful resistance.

Third, The Sikhs also had the support of the British. The British provided the Sikhs with weapons and supplies. The British also gave the Sikhs military advice. The British were also able to use their control of the seas to transport Sikh troops and supplies to the Sikh homeland.

Fourthly, the Afghans made some tactical errors. For example, in the Battle of Jamrud, the Afghans attacked the Sikhs before they were ready, and this allowed the Sikhs to defeat them.

Finally, The most important reason was that they were not able to mount a successful resistance against the Sikh forces. The Sikh forces were better equipped and had better training than the Afghan forces. They also had better morale and were better led.

Why did the Afghans lose war against the Sikhs?

The Afghan defeat in the war against the Sikhs was a major setback for the Afghan people. The war was a blow to Afghan pride and prestige. The Afghans lost a lot of territory to the Sikhs. The war also caused economic hardship for the Afghan people.

Overall, the Afghans lost the war against the Sikhs because they were not as strong as the Sikhs, they were divided among themselves, and they made some tactical errors. However, the Afghans should be proud of their accomplishments. They fought bravely against a more powerful enemy, and they were able to regain their independence in the end.