What does 'Amit' mean in Sanskrit?

Asked 09-Sep-2022
Viewed 402 times

1 Answer


Amit is a male given name of Indian or Hebrew origin. Amit is a popular given name. It is widely used in India, Nepal, Israel, Pakistan, Iran, the Middle East, and Bangladesh. It is one of the 108 names given to the Hindu God Ganesha.

Amit (Hindi:, means 'infinite' or 'boundless', Bengali: ) derives from the Sanskrit word amita (:), amita (:) is essentially the negation of mita (), which means 'to measure'.
In Hindi, Nepali, and Sanskrit, it also means 'everyone's eternal friend.' In Sanskrit, there are three ways to pronounce 'Amit'.

First, one can pronounce it as 'A-mi-te' which means 'I am that'. This is the most common way to pronounce it.

Second, one can pronounce it as 'A-mi-shu' which means 'I am that perfect being'.

Third, one may pronounce it as 'A-mi-tat' or 'A-mi-ta' which means 'I am that'.