What are the causes of extremism in Islam?

Asked 16-Aug-2022
Viewed 437 times


What are the causes of extremism in Islam?

The main causes of extremism in Islam are **education**, - Steilla Mitchel17-Aug-2022

3 Answers


What are the causes of extremism in Islam?

The question of whether Islam is a religion that supports extremism, and more especially violent extremism, or whether it is a religion that is abused and misused by extremist groups in order to further their ideological goals, is a crucial one. This issue continues to come up in world politics on various scales.

In the decades that followed the establishment of the Islamic government in Iran in 1979, the jihadist resistance to the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s, and the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, the discussion about Islam and extremism has gained more traction. Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, the Abu Sayyaf Group, the Mujahidin Indonesia Timur, and Jemaah Islamiyah are just a few of the violent-extremist networks and organisations that have grown in popularity in recent years. This has put the stability of many states in jeopardy and called into question the sanity of the international system. It has created a rift in the public discourse between those who blame Islam for the violent actions of these groups and those who blame political and social circumstances as well as the absence of a comprehensive strategy from governments and the international community to address their underlying causes. 

As a result, a variety of descriptors have been developed by academics, decision-makers, commentators, and community leaders of various ideological and political persuasions to try to understand where Islam stands in relation to extremism. They notably include Salafist Islam, Wahhabi Islam, Deobandi Islam, moderate Islam, radical Islam, extremist Islam, reformist Islam, moderate Islam, and political Islam.


In Spanish language

En los países no musulmanes, los temores al extremismo islámico están estrechamente asociados con las preocupaciones sobre las minorías musulmanas. El público occidental cree que los musulmanes en sus países quieren permanecer distintos de la sociedad, en lugar de adoptar las costumbres y la forma de vida de su nación. Además, existe una percepción generalizada en países con importantes minorías musulmanas, incluido EE. UU., de que los musulmanes residentes tienen un fuerte y creciente sentido de identidad islámica. En su mayor parte, este desarrollo se ve negativamente, particularmente en Europa Occidental. En Francia, Alemania y los Países Bajos, aquellos que ven un creciente sentido de identidad islámica entre los musulmanes residentes dicen abrumadoramente que esto es algo malo.

La última encuesta del Pew Global Attitudes Project, realizada entre más de 17.000 personas en 17 países esta primavera, encuentra que, si bien muchos musulmanes creen que el islamismo radical representa una amenaza, existen opiniones divergentes sobre sus causas. Minorías considerables en la mayoría de los países predominantemente musulmanes señalan la pobreza, el desempleo y la falta de educación, pero la mayoría en Jordania y el Líbano citan las políticas estadounidenses como la causa más importante del extremismo islámico.


What they called the Extremists of Islam are the group of people who read their religious text ‘Quran’ in a different way that only leads to the destruction of humanity.

What are the causes of extremism in Islam?

If we focus on the population of Muslims it is continuously accelerating decade by decade in a tremendous way due to which there is not any single country in the world where NO Muslims are residing. The reason behind the surge in the population is their mindset of controlling the world through their terrorist activity.

Also, the surge in extremism in Islam can be due to the wrong teaching of some lines of their religious text. Mostly Maulavis are the ones who accept the contract for manufacturing the extremists which can kill the innocent to animate their fear.

The only option we have to control their evil intention is to restrict their activity organizing in the private place, not reach to the government like Masjid, Madarsa’s