what are the types of evidence in law?

Asked 2 years ago
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The Indian legal system has a wide range of evidence that can be used in a court of law. This article will outline some of the most common types of evidence used in Indian law.

1. Oral Evidence

Oral evidence is the most common type of evidence used in Indian law. This type of evidence includes testimony from witnesses, statements from the accused, and anything else that is said in court.

2. Documentary Evidence

Documentary evidence includes any written or recorded material that is used as evidence in court. This could include documents, letters, emails, photographs, videos, or anything else that can be used to support a claim.

3. Physical Evidence

what are the types of evidence in law?

Physical evidence is anything that can be seen or touched that is used as evidence in court. This could include clothing, weapons, fingerprints, DNA, or anything else that can be used to support a claim.

4. Expert Evidence

Expert evidence is any type of evidence that is given by a person who has specialized knowledge in a particular area. This could include evidence from a medical expert, a forensic expert, or any other type of expert that can provide valuable information to the court.

5. Hearsay Evidence

Hearsay evidence is any type of evidence that is not directly from the person who is testifying. This could include statements from other people, statements from the media, or anything else that is not directly from the person testifying.

6. Circumstantial Evidence

Circumstantial evidence is any type of evidence that supports a claim indirectly. This could include evidence of motive, opportunity, or any other type of indirect evidence that can be used to support a claim.

The law of evidence in India is constantly evolving. The courts have held that new types of evidence, such as DNA evidence, can be admissible in criminal cases.

answered 2 years ago by Subhamay Ganai

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