Which is India’s first large state to record 100 per cent first-dose vaccinations?

Asked 02-Aug-2022
Updated 04-Apr-2023
Viewed 246 times


Which is India’s first large state to record 100 percent first-dose vaccinations?

1 Answer


The Indian state of Sikkim has become the first large state in India to achieve 100% first-dose vaccination coverage for its eligible population. The state has achieved this remarkable feat in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic within a short span of time. Sikkim is located in the northeastern part of India and has a population of around 690,000 people.

The Government of Sikkim launched a massive vaccination drive in the state in January 2021, when the COVID-19 vaccine was first made available in India. The state government had set an ambitious target of vaccinating its entire eligible population with at least the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of March 2021.

The state government implemented a multi-pronged strategy to achieve this target, including setting up vaccination centers across the state, mobilizing health workers, conducting awareness campaigns, and using digital platforms for online registration and monitoring of the vaccination process.

Which is Indias first large state to record 100 per cent firstdose vaccinations

Sikkim has also been successful in achieving a high vaccination coverage rate in the rural areas of the state, where access to healthcare facilities is limited. The state government has deployed mobile vaccination teams to reach remote areas and provide vaccinations to the eligible population.

The achievement of 100% first-dose vaccination coverage in Sikkim is a significant milestone in India's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. It serves as a model for other states in the country to emulate and provides hope that the pandemic can be brought under control through mass vaccination.

In conclusion, the state of Sikkim in India has become the first large state to achieve 100% first-dose vaccination coverage for its eligible population. The state government's massive vaccination drive and multi-pronged strategy have played a key role in achieving this remarkable feat within a short span of time. This achievement serves as a model for other states in India to emulate in their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.