What is “operation bandar” by Indian army?

Asked 29-Jul-2022
Updated 08-Apr-2023
Viewed 477 times


What is “operation bandar” by Indian army?    

1 Answer


Operation Bandar was a military operation carried out by the Indian Air Force in February 2019. The operation involved airstrikes against a terrorist training camp located in Balakot, Pakistan. The operation was carried out in response to a terrorist attack on an Indian army convoy in Kashmir that had killed 40 Indian soldiers.What is operation bandar by Indian army

The operation was named "Bandar," which means monkey in Hindi, because it was carried out on the day of the Hindu festival of Holi, which is traditionally associated with the playful throwing of colored powders, water, and other substances. The name of the operation was chosen to reflect the element of surprise and misdirection that was used to carry out the attack.

The Balakot terrorist training camp was run by Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), a Pakistan-based terrorist organization that has been responsible for a number of terrorist attacks in India. The Indian government had long been calling for action against JeM and other terrorist groups operating out of Pakistan, which it accuses of providing safe haven and support for terrorist activities in India.

The Indian Air Force used a combination of Mirage 2000 fighter jets and precision-guided bombs to carry out the airstrikes on the Balakot terrorist training camp. The operation was conducted in a pre-dawn raid and involved a total of 12 Mirage 2000 jets that flew in from Indian airbases located in Punjab and Rajasthan. The operation was carried out with great precision and accuracy, and the Indian Air Force reported that all the targets were successfully destroyed.

The operation was hailed as a major success by the Indian government and the Indian Armed Forces. The airstrikes were seen as a significant response to the terrorist attack in Kashmir and a message to Pakistan that India would not tolerate terrorist activities on its soil. The operation was also seen as a demonstration of India's military capabilities and a warning to Pakistan against any future acts of aggression.

Pakistan, however, disputed India's claims of success and said that the airstrikes had not caused any significant damage. Pakistan also accused India of violating its airspace and launched its own airstrikes in retaliation. The situation between the two countries remained tense for several days, with both sides engaging in military posturing and rhetoric.

In conclusion, Operation Bandar was a military operation carried out by the Indian Air Force in February 2019 in response to a terrorist attack on an Indian army convoy in Kashmir. The operation involved airstrikes against a terrorist training camp located in Balakot, Pakistan, and was carried out with great precision and accuracy. The operation was seen as a significant response to the terrorist attack in Kashmir and a message to Pakistan that India would not tolerate terrorist activities on its soil.