HOTMAIL Hotmailis the earliest webmail-service provider. It was established by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith in the year 1996.Microsoft eventually acquired it and relaunched it as MSN Hotmail. Later it was phased out and relaunched as in 2012. GMAIL Gmail is the newest email-service provider. It was launched in 2004. It can be accessed in a web browser o the official mobile application. Googleowns it. Read also: why Gmail is better than Hotmail. HOTMAIL VS. GMAIL While Hotmail is the first free email service provider, Gmail was introduced pretty late in the game. Giant software developing companies own both Gmail and Hotmail. Gmail users benefit from using google docs and other features of the Google platform. Similarly, Hotmail users get the advantage of using several Microsoft services.
Gmail allows its users to send massive files up to 20MB.On the contrary, Hotmail users can send attachments of up to 10MB. If the file size exceeds the given limit, it must be split and sent in parts.
Hotmail messages can be previewed before opening. This feature allows its users to choose which messages are important and needs attention. Gmail, on the other hand, leaves the users with the only choice of opening a message to read its content.The ads shown in Gmail are in the form of small texts. In contrast, Hotmail offers large graphic ads to its non-paying users. Another difference that needs to be noted is that Gmail services are available in 106 languages worldwide. Hotmail, on the other hand, is available in 72 different languages. Gmail supports SSL and TLS encryption protocols, whereas Hotmail only supports SSL. Read also: the difference between Hotmail and outlook.