Explain types of Microprocessor.

Asked 12-May-2022
Viewed 408 times

1 Answer


Types of Microprocessor:

  • CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) The instructions are in a complex format, as the name implies. It implies that a single instruction can contain a large number of low-level instructions.
  • RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)-As the name implies, the instructions are straightforward and so execute rapidly. Furthermore, the instructions are completed in a single clock cycle and only employ a few addressing modes. Furthermore, it makes advantage of many registers to reduce memory interaction.
  • EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing)-It makes advantage of compilers to allow the instructions to run in parallel. Furthermore, complicated instructions run at lower clock frequency. It also uses 128-bit bundles to encode the instructions. Each bundle has three instructions, each of which is encoded in 41 bits, as well as a 5-bit template. This 5-bit template offers information on the different types of instructions and which ones can be executed in parallel.

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