Which protocols use the application layer?

Asked 2 years ago
Viewed 385 times

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protocols use the application layer:

  • The TELetype NETwork is referred to as Telnet. It is beneficial to terminal emulation. It allows Telnet clients to use the Telnet server's resources. It's a programme for storing and managing files on the internet.
  • The file transfer protocol is abbreviated as FTP. It is the protocol that allows us to send and receive files. It can help with this between any two machines that use it.
  • The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a stripped-down, stock version of FTP that you should use if you know exactly what you're looking for and where to find it.
  • A network file system is referred to as NFS. It allows remote computers to mount file systems across a network and interact with them as if they were locally mounted.

Read More: Explain the basic working of network security.

answered 2 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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