What are the process states in Linux?

Asked 15-Apr-2022
Viewed 447 times

1 Answer


The process states in Linux:

What are the process states in Linux?

  • The CPU is in an RUNNING state when it performs a process. The RUNNABLE state indicates that the process is not awaiting any resources and is ready to be performed by the CPU.
  • The SLEEPING state shows that the process is currently awaiting certain resources (such as I/O, locks, application code that causes the process to sleep, etc.).
  • INTERRUPTABLE SLEEP: When a process is in INTERRUPTABLE SLEEP, it will wake up from a deep slumber to process fresh signals.
  • UNINTERRUPTABLE SLEEP: When a process is in UNINTERRUPTABLE SLEEP, it will not wake up even if new signals are provided to it in the middle of sleep.
  • The STOPPED status denotes that the procedure has been halted and will not continue. When you use the 'Ctrl + Z' command in Linux, the process receives a SIGSTOP signal.
  • ZOMBIE-When a process invokes the'system exit' API or when it is killed by someone else, it will end. When a process finishes, it releases all of the data structures and resources it has accumulated.

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