What is the difference between BASH and DOS in Linux?

Asked 15-Apr-2022
Viewed 2810 times

1 Answer


  • The following three areas are where the BASH and DOS consoles differ the most:
  • DOS commands are not case sensitive, whereas BASH commands are.
  • The / character is a directory separator and an escape character in BASH, while it is a command argument delimiter and a directory separator in DOS.
  • DOS has a file naming convention, which is an 8-character file name followed by a dot and a three-character extension. There is no such rule in BASH.
  • The Bourne shell inspired Bash, which is a strong command shell and scripting language. Bash implementations are now available for additional operating systems. Array variables, shell functions, and very flexible replacement are all supported by Bash. It is being constantly developed, with new features being introduced on a regular basis.
  • The commands that a user enters are interpreted using BASH and DOS.

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