What is Software configuration management?

Asked 06-Apr-2022
Viewed 482 times

1 Answer


What is Software configuration management?
  • Software Configuration Management (SCM) is a method in software engineering that systematically manages, organises, and controls changes in documents, codes, and other entities across the Software Development Life Cycle. The main goal is to enhance production while making as few mistakes as possible. SCM is a subset of the multidisciplinary area of configuration management that can pinpoint who made which revision.
  • Multiple people are working on software that is constantly updated.
  • It could be that a software configuration project has numerous versions, branches, and authors, and the team is geographically dispersed and working at the same time.
  • Changes in user needs, policies, budgets, and schedules must all be addressed.
  • Software must be able to run on a variety of platforms and operating systems.
  • Assists in the development of stakeholder coordination
  • Controlling the costs of system changes is also a benefit of the SCM process.

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