How Do You Find Spam on a LinkedIn Profile?

Asked 22-Mar-2022
Viewed 443 times

1 Answer


  • Spam refers to messages and information that are abusive, damaging, or disruptive. We invite you to report any content on LinkedIn that you believe is harmful or disruptive. Spam Reporting You can notify us if you come across content that violates our User Agreement by utilising our site's report feature. Your information will be kept private.
  • You'll be able to view a picture and the URL the person is referring to in a message from a connection with a link. With the messages I received, this was not the case.
  • Remember that you can activate two-step verification by going to Settings and Privacy on your LinkedIn profile, then clicking Account. It will improve the security of your account.
  • Once in a while, change your LinkedIn password.
  • If you receive a lot of spam messages, you can turn off Inmails from your profile's Communications section. Inmail messages can be promotional content for a marketing or recruitment drive. These messages can be received without being linked to anyone.

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