What happens when you click "Don't check for this issue" in Microsoft Word?

Asked 05-Mar-2022
Updated 13-Apr-2023
Viewed 331 times


What happens when you click 'Don't check for this issue' in Microsoft Word?

1 Answer


When using Microsoft Word, you may encounter various issues, such as spelling or grammar errors. These issues can be identified and highlighted by the program's built-in spell checker and grammar checker. When a spelling or grammar error is detected, Word will suggest a correction or provide an option to ignore the error. Additionally, Word also offers the option to "Don't check for this issue," which allows you to disable the spell checker or grammar checker for that particular issue.What happens when you click Dont check for this issue in Microsoft Word

Clicking "Don't check for this issue" essentially tells Word to ignore the particular error or issue for the remainder of the document. This means that Word will no longer check for that particular spelling or grammar error, and will not prompt you to correct it again in the future. Instead, Word will assume that the word or phrase is correct and will not highlight it as an error or provide a suggestion for correction.

The "Don't check for this issue" option can be useful in certain situations. For example, you may encounter a word or phrase that is technically incorrect but is used intentionally for a specific effect or style. In this case, you may want to click "Don't check for this issue" to avoid having Word highlight the word or phrase as an error repeatedly throughout the document.

However, it is important to use the "Don't check for this issue" option with caution. Disabling the spell checker or grammar checker for a particular issue may lead to errors or mistakes in your document. Additionally, if you accidentally click "Don't check for this issue" for a legitimate error or issue, it may go unnoticed and remain uncorrected.

It is also worth noting that the "Don't check for this issue" option only applies to the particular issue or error that it is used for. Word will continue to check for other spelling and grammar errors unless you disable the spell checker or grammar checker altogether.

In summary, clicking "Don't check for this issue" in Microsoft Word allows you to disable the spell checker or grammar checker for a particular issue or error. While this option can be useful in certain situations, it should be used with caution to avoid introducing errors or mistakes into your document.