- You can share a link using the share option once the programme is installed.
- Tap the 'Share' button in the Safari browser or any other programme that has a Share button on an iPhone. In the top row of icons, scroll to the right and tap the 'More' button.
- Scroll down to the 'Continue to PC' option in the list of available app activities. You can also drag it up and down the list to reorganise it.
- You'll see the 'Continue on PC' icon anytime you press the Share button in an app once you've enabled this option. To share the link with your PC, tap it.
- Any app on an Android phone may be shared by simply tapping the 'Share' button. In the Chrome app, for example, tap the menu button and then 'Share.' You won't have to enable the 'Continue on PC' option to see it in the list.
- You'll be requested to sign in with your Microsoft account the first time you do this. Use the same Microsoft account that you used to log in to your Windows 10 computer.
- You'll get a list of all the PCs associated with your Microsoft account once you've signed in. To send the link to a specific PC, tap its name. You can also tap 'Continue later' to receive a notification on all of your PCs, which will allow you to open the Action Center, click the notification, and resume from any of your PCs.
- If you tap a PC's name, the link will open in the Microsoft Edge browser on the selected PC right away. (Unfortunately, no matter what browser you've set as your default, it always opens in Microsoft Edge.)
- The link will be delivered to the Action Center on all of your PCs if you select the 'Continue Later' option. It will appear as a popup message prompting you to 'Resume browsing a page from your phone.'
- This notification popup will remain in the Action Center after it has gone away, just like other notifications. To access the page in Edge, simply click the Action Center button (it's the one on the right side of your taskbar, to the right of the clock).
How do I make continue on PC links that stop opening in Microsoft Edge?
Asked 22-Feb-2022
Viewed 525 times
How do I make continue on PC links that stop opening in Microsoft Edge?