- The first step is to see if your Mac has any remaining battery life, which is as simple as it seems (or in the case of iMacs whether the cable is connected correctly). Attempt unplugging and replugging your Mac. If you have an older MacBook, your MagSafe cable will display a green light while the computer is charged and an amber light when it is still charging.
- When you're sure your Mac is powered up, try turning it on with the power button. Are you able to hear the fans or any other sounds If you answered yes, it's possible that your Mac's issue is due to software. If your Mac refuses to boot at all, there could be a hardware issue.
- If your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air won't switch on in either situation, detach all keyboards, mouse, external hard drives, and other peripherals to ensure they aren't the source of the problem. If nothing has changed, a power cycle is required.
- To perform a power cycle, follow these steps:
- Press the power button to turn off your Mac (keep pressing)
- Unplug all power cords. Hold the power button down for a further ten seconds. As usual, restart your Mac.