How can I increase clicks on AdSense without the notice of Google?

Asked 14-Feb-2022
Viewed 497 times

1 Answer


increase clicks on AdSense without the notice of Google:

How can I increase clicks on AdSense without the notice of Google?

  • Produce High-Value Content-Creating quality content for your readers is the best approach to obtain more clicks and increase your revenue. You increase your chances of earning clicks by generating traffic. In addition, by drawing visitors, your site becomes more appealing to advertising.
  • Choose the Best Keywords for Your Website-You should look at the keywords people use to reach your website in addition to creating engaging content. You may easily enhance your organic traffic by optimising your site for search engines or SEO.
  • Find out how far your website's visitors scroll.-When it comes to ad placement, the basic guideline is to put your advertising in a highly prominent location of your website where your visitors will be more likely to see them and click on them.
  • Ad Placement Best Practices should be followed.-If you have a WordPress blog, there are a few recommended practises for placement that you should strive to maximise your earnings: Google advises using a 72890 leaderboard image ad unit above the fold of your site and below the main navigation bar to enhance click-through rate (CTR).

Read More : How to Create AdSense Account