Are impressions in Google Webmaster Tools search queries for exact, phrase, or broad match?

Asked 3 years ago
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Are impressions in Google Webmaster Tools search queries for exact, phrase, or broad match?

1 Answer


 Yes, This means that a phrase match keyword will return the same results as an exact match keyword, plus more. A broad match keyword, on the other hand, will match all searches for equivalent phrase and exact match keywords, as well as others. As a result, repeating the same keyword in different match types provides no incremental value.

  • Broad match-Ads may appear on searches that are relevant to your keyword, including those that do not include the keyword words. This allows you to attract more people to your website, spend less time creating keyword lists, and concentrate your efforts on keywords that are effective. All of your keywords are allocated to broad match by default, so you don't have to define another match type (exact match, phrase match, or a negative match type).
  • Phrase match-Ads may appear on searches that involve your keyword's definition. The keyword's meaning can be inferred, and user searches can represent a more detailed version of that meaning. You can reach more searches with phrase match than with exact match and fewer searches with broad match, as phrase match only shows your advertising on searches that mention your product or service.
  • Exact match-Advertisements may appear on searches with the same meaning or intent as the keyword. Exact match gives you the most control over who sees your ad among the three keyword matching options, but it reaches fewer queries than phrase and broad match.

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answered 3 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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