Does Telegram have any group limitations for individuals? I have joined so many groups, so I want to know.

Asked 31-Jan-2022
Viewed 649 times


Does Telegram have any group limitations for individuals? I have joined so many groups, so I want to know.

1 Answer


yes, Telegram have any group limitations for individuals

  • However, Telegram Group Chat has one distinct advantage over WhatsApp groups: the Telegram Group cap is 200,000 individuals. We've never been a member of a group this big before, but we assume it's a lot of fun.
  • Yes, there is a limit to how many Telegram Channels or Supergroups you can join. You have the option of joining up to 500 channels and supergroups (if you have already joined 250 channels then you can join only 250 supergroups, like that it counts).

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