How can I stop saying too many attempts to get the original telegram?

Asked 31-Jan-2022
Viewed 300 times

1 Answer


  • Telegram has made far too many attempts to figure out why this type of issue occurs so frequently. Telegram generates numerous mistakes to ensure that everything are running smoothly on your accounts, in order to protect the privacy and security of your personal data.
  • Logging in and out of the app on a regular basis, as well as exiting via the app's tray icon.
  • Telegram stops holding your account for security reasons if you enter the erroneous password more than 5 times, and 'Too Many Attempts' appears in Telegram.
  • Let's pretend you wrote more than 20 messages in a minute and sent them all to the same person. This can potentially result in the Telegram error of too many tries.
  • Assume that other users have lodged too many spam complaints against your account. Your Telegram account may also show 'Too Many Attempts' as a result of this.
  • Whether your Telegram account receives the 'Telegram Too Many Attempts' message, wait at least 24 hours to see if it returns to normal.
  • If the issue persists after 24 hours, you have the option of waiting or contacting; you can also contact Telegram's support centre. This is the greatest option for you; the URL is


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