Why does nobody join my Telegram group?

Asked 3 years ago
Viewed 491 times

1 Answer


The reason, why nobody is joining your group, can be you are sharing links with the group.

Yes, we all know how aggravating it is to finally create that Telegram group you've been wishing for.

Your major purpose in starting this Telegram community is to get a lot of people together, get them to share ideas, and make things more exciting and interesting.
  • The quickest approach to obtain group members is to buy telegram channel members, which is not the most honest way, however before you say No, hear us out:
  • Buying group members aren't entirely pointless if done correctly. What is the proper procedure? Easy. Simply put, don't buy bot channel members.
  • The advantage of starting strong with a large number of channel subscribers is that it allows you to use more effective promotional techniques for your channel.
  • It also elevates your group to the top of the search results.
  • There's no way to go wrong with it.

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answered 3 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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