Is there a way to contact Microsoft/Hotmail/Outlook?

Asked 24-Jan-2022
Viewed 337 times

1 Answer


Is there a way to contact Microsoft/Hotmail/Outlook?
  • To contact our Outlook In-App team, go to your homepage, click the question mark icon, type your concern's keyword in the search field, select Yes under Still need help, type your whole worry in the box, and then click Send.
  • Visit Microsoft's website (see Resources). Today's video is
  • To contact us, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select 'Contact Us.'
  • Select 'E-mail Us' from the drop-down menu.
  • Select 'Product Sales & General Inquiries' from the drop-down menu. On the next page, fill out the form and then click the 'Submit.' Tip.

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