There are a few reasons why you might not be able to copy text from a PDF. One possibility is that the PDF has been protected against copying. This can be done by the author of the PDF using a PDF editor. When a PDF is protected, the copy and paste functions are disabled.
Another possibility is that the PDF is a scanned document. Scanned documents are not always text-based, and they may contain images of text. In this case, you will not be able to copy the text because it is not actually text.
If you need to copy text from a PDF, there are a few ways to do it. If the PDF is not protected, you can simply use the copy and paste functions. However, if the PDF is protected, you will need to use a PDF editor to unlock it. Once the PDF is unlocked, you will be able to copy the text.
Here are some ways to unlock a PDF to copy text:
- Use a PDF editor: There are many PDF editors available, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader and Foxit Reader. These editors allow you to unlock PDFs and copy the text.
- Use a online PDF unlocker: There are also a number of online PDF unlockers available. These services allow you to unlock PDFs for free or for a fee.
- Contact the author of the PDF: If you know the author of the PDF, you can contact them and ask them to unlock the PDF for you.
Once you have unlocked the PDF, you will be able to copy the text. To do this, simply select the text you want to copy and press Ctrl+C on your keyboard. You can then paste the text into another document or application.