Why do my scanned PDF files keep reappearing even after I delete them from my Windows 10 computer?

Asked 3 years ago
Viewed 558 times


Why do my scanned PDF files keep reappearing even after I delete them from my Windows 10 computer?

1 Answer


Steps to Fix it:

Why do my scanned PDF files keep reappearing even after I delete them from my Windows 10 computer?

  • If files and folders in the Windows Recycle Bin keep reappearing after a refresh, it's most probable that the Recycle Bin application has malfunctioned. To prevent files from reappearing after emptying the recycle bin, use the command prompt to repair the corrupted recycle bin in Windows 10
  •  In Windows 10, open 'Command Prompt' as an administrator.
  •  Press 'Enter' after typing the command  rd /s /q C:\$Recycle.bin 
  •  To quit the Command Prompt window, type exit.

Read More: What should I do in Windows 10 if the PDF file name is too long and the Windows options don’t give me the possibility to rename it?

answered 3 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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