What is Section 570 in the IPC?

Asked 3 years ago
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The Companies Act 1956 is administered by the Government of India through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Offices of Registrar of Companies, Official Liquidators, Public Trustee, Company Law Board, Director of Inspection, etc. The Act is 658 sections long. The Act contains provisions about Companies, directors of the companies, memorandum and articles of associations, etc. This act states and discusses every single provision that requires or may need to govern a company. It mentions what type of companies their differences, constitution, management, members, capital, how should the shares should be issued, debentures, and registration of charge, at the end of the act it concludes the about winding up of a company, discussing the situations a company needs to be winded up. The ways it should be done by volunteers or through courts.

Companies Act 1956 explains the whole procedure of how to form a company, its fees procedure, name, constitution, its members, the motive behind the company, its share capital, its general board meetings, management and administration of the company including an important part which is the directors as they are the decision-makers and they take all the important decisions for the company their main responsibility and liabilities about the company matter the most. The Act explains the winding of the business as well as what happens in detail during the liquidation period.

The Section 570. Power of Registrar to require evidence as to the nature of the company. The Registrar may require such evidence as he thinks necessary for the purpose of satisfying himself whether any company proposing to be registered is or is not a joint-stock company as de- fined in section 566.

answered 2 years ago by Sarda Kumari

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